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The Societal Belief that Bigger Bodies are Bad

Trigger Warning: Mentions of weight gain and loss, food, youth and body-shaming For years, the war on body shaming has got into the mouths of many conversationalists, however talking about body shaming is not enough to change the behaviour of the majority but at least it’s a start. Scientifically, we know that too much or too little of the wrong foods can play detriment to the human body, resulting in a never-ending list of ailments including heart attacks, vitamin deficiencies and strokes. However the label of ‘healthy’ has been attached to a UK size 6-10, and anything above or below is deemed unhealthy. Yet instead of labelling someone’s size as a determinant of health, perhaps we should consider that all bodies are different, fat deposition and muscle growth happen differently varying on the individual, not to mention mental health as a large factor in the relationship that one has with food.  Personally, I have feel as though I have always struggled with my body-image. After a larg

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