Be the change

Imagine there was no stigma to mental illness. Stigma is defined to be ‘a mark of disgrace’, or a ‘set of negative beliefs’. So when we talk about mental health stigma, this ideal is totally bonkers to me. But there is still so much of it! 
The thing is, I think through personal experience, mental health stigma has arisen and is still around today because people do not understand it, out of fear perhaps, so dismissal is a lot easier. I mean, it is literally like saying just because you cannot see it, it doesn’t exist- this is fools talk. Others say mental health issues are like a broken leg, and that it is just as real, which is totally true other than your head is breaking that leg in the same place, over and over…and over. 

In this world, in the new decade of 2020, we have seen so much development even from 20 years ago. There is still so much work that needs to be done. 

In 1999, the internet was something used for scholars or work, today it connects millions of people every day and we have access to it almost everywhere. The hidden truths of the internet are stood right in our faces and we aren’t doing anything about it. Take control, say no to bullying and unfollow all the people who make you feel crap. Look up from your phone and breathe. There is more to life than that instagram post. 

Early 2000, smoking was banned in restaurants, so now we don’t have to breathe in second-hand smoke, YAY! But stand in the middle of London and fill your lungs up with all those car emissions. So take more time to breathe in that fresh air on top of a hill with a pal. 

Fast forward 14 years, block nokia phones have gone in the bins (RIP snake) and gay marriage is FINALLY legal. 2014. That was only six years ago. And yet today we are still seeing violent and homophobic attacks on the LGBT+ community. Get your heads out of your arse and accept people for who they are. Show some love to your nearest and dearest. 

January 2020 and Australia is burning alive. And we’re ignoring why it is actually happening. Make those small changes and we might be able to save our future from experiencing the same. 

March 31st 2020 is the day that abortion finally is made legal in Northern Ireland. And guess what, this change was approved by the UK government in the absence of their collapsed government. People have rights, people have choice. Let that choice be theirs to make. 

SO THERE IS PROGRESS. But that does not mean stop working towards an even better social climate. And one of those things I would like everyone to try is changing their language and the way they phrase things. If you’re worried about a friend’s mental health, invite them out for a coffee and tell them you’re there if they need you. Just imagine if there was no mental health stigma. Educate yourself and strive for social change and immediate action to tackle what is becoming a mental health crisis for our peers. 

Consumed by the hidden internet, people are filling their heads with toxic information just like they fill their lungs with air, people are afraid to express who they really are and turn to extreme measures to hide it, their heads about to explode and continue burning like they’ve been set alight, but scared to seek help when they most need it and turning to detrimental unhealthy means to deal with their issues. 
Don’t just observe the change, be a part of it. It’s real, mental issues are real. Don’t be a dick and pretend they aren’t. (excuse my French). 


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